If you are looking to take on a trainee in your business and you’d like an apprentice we can help advertise the vacancy, provide you with interested applicants from our Talent Bank and support you through the recruitment process. We will also provide all new apprentices with an induction session and assess their English and maths skills to ensure they are at the appropriate level to be able to manage the apprentice programme.
We will advertise your vacancy on the college website, the local jobs board, LoveLocalJobs and the Find an Apprenticeship .gov website to ensure you receive a wide exposure of your opportunity.
If you would like to advertise a vacancy please download the Apprentice Vacancy form here and complete the form with as much information as you possibly can about the type for work and the type of person you would like to recruit. The more information you put into the person specification the better the application you will receive. You can train and develop somebody’s skills but it is the type of person you want to recruit that really makes the difference.
For more information go to 'How does the learning programme work?'
For specific information about the apprenticeships we offer click here.
The apprenticeship programme is ideal for developing existing members of your teams.
If we are able to offer a suitable apprenticeship for your role then either contact us or download the starter form and complete all the information in section 1 and 2 and return it to us at apprenticeships@escg.ac.uk. If you are unsure about which apprenticeship is suitable please contact us.
Health and safety is very important to us and in order to ensure that your employee is properly protected we will need a copy of your Employer’s Liability Insurance certificate.
Once we have received the starter form the next step is for your team member to attend an induction session which includes an initial assessment in English maths and sometimes IT. We deliver the induction session remotely so your employee won’t need to come to college. To book your employee on to an induction session please call 030 300 39777.
How does it work?
Apprenticeships are an effective and affordable way to provide staff training. Our apprenticeship partnership will provide your apprentices with all the training they need and can be fully funded by the government for those under 21 years old at the start of their programme. All businesses that employ an apprentice aged between 16 and 18 will also receive £1000 as an incentive for taking on a young apprentice.
There are different funding arrangements for adult apprentices and for larger companies so please contact us for the details that may be relevant to your company.
If your business employs less than 50 people you benefit from full funding for all apprenticeship training for those aged 16-18 and you also benefit from 95% funding for all apprentices aged over 21.
If your business employs more than 50 people you benefit from 95% funding for all your employees who are on an apprenticeship programme no matter what age they are.
If the apprentice is aged between 16 and 18 at the start of their apprenticeship you will receive a £1,000 grant.
For more information call 030 300 39777.
If your business is or is part of a large organisation with an overall pay bill in excess of £3 million p.a. you will be paying into the apprenticeship levy in which case we would like to discuss how we can assist you in making the most of using this fund to develop your teams.
The apprenticeship learning programme has been developed by employers to match a particular job role and is designed to develop the skills, knowledge and behaviour required of the apprentice in that role.
Each apprenticeship has been developed to recognise the particular skills of the industry and the type of knowledge and behaviour that is required of a competent and confident worker. The apprentice will be encouraged to develop their skills by tutors and workplace coaches who are trained to impart their industry experience.
Each programme is tailor made to meet the needs of the apprentice and to recognise any previous knowledge or experience, and the employer is included at every step to ensure that the apprentice is able to demonstrate their skills in the workplace.
The apprenticeship may be the qualification in its own right and some also include a formal certificated qualification. Each programme finishes with an ‘and point assessment’ which is a combination of knowledge test, practical skill assessment and some include a professional discussion.
Tel: 030 300 39777
Email: apprenticeships@escg.ac.uk
Facebook: ESCGetInvolved