11 September 2019

5 of the best... memories of school

5 of the best... memories of school

This month’s ‘5 of the best’ is somewhat of a bumper edition - for two reasons really. The first reason is that we missed August altogether, and the second reason is so that we can bring you ‘10 of the best’ for September.

September signals the start of school and college - so to tie in with the back to school vibes we wanted to do something a little different and fun. Something that everyone can join in with, whether you’re 15 or 50, to help bring back fond memories of some of the best days of your life - school.

Below is where you will find a list of ten things you would have remembered from school. Give yourself a point and have a little chuckle for each one you’ve done.

Let’s get started…

1. “Forgetting” your homework

How many of you have not only forgotten your homework but also made up an elaborate excuse as to why you’ve forgotten it or couldn’t complete it on time? You know, the old ‘my dog ate it’ - but even more elaborate than that.

2. Writing 0.7734 on a calculator

Who’s sat there in maths and remembered the first time that your friend showed you how to write ‘hello’ on a calculator?

3. Feigning injury to get out of PE

Not all of us are blessed with sporting capabilities. If that’s you, then this one may sound familiar. There was nothing worse than having PE first lesson on a cold, rainy Monday morning, so feigning injury or illness seemed like the only option.

4. Using Wikipedia for all your coursework

Once you stumble across a website, such as Wikipedia, that tells you all the answers to the questions you’re asking, you think you’ve struck gold. However, it’s only after submitting your coursework, and getting your grade back, that you realise that Wikipedia isn’t the most reliable source of information. If you’re reading this and didn’t have Wikipedia when you were at school then I guess this is the same as an unofficial library book.

5. Calling your teacher, mum

The ultimate embarrassing moment in class has to be when you’re trying to get your teachers attention to ask for their help and ‘mum’ slips out instead of ‘miss’.

6. Getting top marks on a test

Getting 100% on a test is no mean feat. Whether you have excelled in a mock test, multiple-choice, or a practical test - you should be very proud.

7. Being a one-trick pony in the kitchen

Cooking is an important life-long skill that you really appreciate once you’re an adult. However, at school, it may not have been a priority skill to gain. In food tech, how many of you settled on a recipe that you were good at making (usually a dessert) and didn’t make anything else for the entire term?

8. Totally forgetting how to read out loud in English class

A moment that still makes us shudder when we think about it - reading out loud to the whole class in English. What is it about reading out loud that makes our voice sound shaky and our eyes not recognise words correctly? The worst few minutes ever.


9. Failing to remember the letters on the periodic table

However hard you seemed to revise, you could never remember all 118 elements of the periodic table. Some of them you can have a pretty good guess at, but gold (Au) and silver (Ag) were two curveballs!

10. Personalising pretty much every workbook you owned

There was no mistaking whose workbook was whose while at school. It seemed that it was an unwritten and unspoken competition to see who could doodle, draw, stick, cut, and personalise their workbooks and book bags the most. Anything went - from football team badges to pictures of boy bands.