6 September 2023

ESC Training Hub Collaborate with Local Mental Health Charity

ESC Training Hub

ESC Training Hub is extending a helping hand to local mental health charity, ManKind, by generously providing them with complimentary access to the facilities for hosting their weekly support sessions.

Since the opening of the ESC Training Hub in 2022, the facility has hosted men’s mental health charity, ManKind, allowing them to use the rooms at the Training Hub for their weekly support sessions.

Mankind was set up in January 2020 by local Eastbourne-based friends Ian Pickard and Paul Roskilly to help support men who may need mental health support or just someone to talk to without judgement.

Paul Roskilly, co-founder of ManKind, said, “ManKind was formed following the death of our friend Steve Garner to suicide. ManKind has steadily grown over the past three years and to date nearly 250 men have had the courage to join us. We currently have a cohort of nearly 50 men who regularly attend meetings in Eastbourne and now Heathfield.

“Steve had worked in the building industry all of his adult life. The building industry has one of the highest rates of suicide. Currently, nearly three men a day from that sector are taking their own lives.The only way we can reverse that trend is to raise awareness. Your building is allowing us to do that.”

Paul added, “Our group has had our fastest growth in the past few months since having access to the Hub. The facilities are exceptional and we have been able to create a safe space for men to be open about their mental health and feel supported.”

Christopher Hawes, Green Technology lecturer at ESC Training Hub, said, “The ESC Green Technology team fully supports ManKind as we teach a lot of trades within the construction industry. The idea of a support group came due to the need for mental wellbeing support in the construction industry.

“The aim of ManKind is to provide a safe place for men to share how they are feeling without feeling judged and to support those who are struggling with their emotional and mental wellbeing.”

Find out more about the ESC Training Hub here.