2 September 2020

Get ready for college with this mindfulness technique you probably haven’t tried

Get ready for college with this mindfulness technique you probably haven’t tried

The start of term is almost here. After five months without face-to-face teaching, we’re getting ready to welcome students back to class.

Last week, we shared our top 5 tips to help you get prepared to start or return to college. So, continuing with that theme, we wanted to share another hidden gem that has really helped us to focus and get through some of the challenges of the last few months.

Chocolate meditation.

Chocolate is usually a treat, but now you can use it to relax. Yes really. We were unsure until we tried it too. But who knew that a single piece of chocolate could completely refocus the mind.

So, if you’re feeling a little anxious, worried, or concerned, try unlocking all of your senses with a chocolate button and bring yourself completely into the present moment.

GET STARTED. Start by placing the buttons onto an empty plate in front of you.

LOOK. Concentrate on looking at the chocolate buttons. Notice the shape of them, the colour, any imperfections; you can even count them. Before you move on, close your eyes to heighten your other senses and help you get focused.

TOUCH. Remembering to keep your eyes closed - Pick up a single chocolate button. Feel the weight and the width of it between your fingers before returning it to the plate.

SMELL. Bring the plate of chocolate buttons close to your nose. Smell the aroma of the chocolate by taking slow, deep breaths in, and slow deep breaths out. Concentrate on the smells and fragrances of the chocolate. How does the smell make you feel? Does the smell trigger your taste buds?

TASTE. Place a few of the chocolate buttons onto your tongue. Don’t chew just yet - concentrate on how the chocolate feels and tastes - turn it over, allow it to melt slightly. Try to resist the urge to eat them!

HEAR. Notice the sounds you make as you move the chocolate around your mouth and the noise you make as you swallow. Try to track the sensation of the chocolate as it reaches your tummy. Repeat this process until all of the buttons are gone - then slowly open your eyes and awaken from your state of concentration with a few deep breaths. With your meditation exercise now complete - you can carry on with your day feeling relaxed and refreshed!

You can replace the chocolate for anything edible like a piece of fruit or veg - the principle is the same. We just like the taste of chocolate!

Let us know if it works for you.

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