The 'Plaice' To Be

Welcome to the world of fish. This is the Plaice to be if you want to learn the basics of cooking and preparing fresh fish. We'll teach you how to cook, taste, and recognise a range of fresh fish so you can create tasty meals.


Hastings (Station Plaza)

Course Type


4.7 out of 5 student feedback rating


Options Course Code Starts Ends Days From To Standard Fee
20638-01 04/05/24 04/05/24 Saturday 09:30 16:30 £72
20638-02 25/05/24 25/05/24 Saturday 09:30 16:30 £72

What will I study?

If you're a little afraid of cooking with fresh fish or not sure how to prepare it, then we'll teach you everything you need to know on this short course. You will learn the basics of cooking and have the opportunity to prepare and taste a range of local and seasonal fish and seafood.

You will learn to recognise types of fish and seafood and how to portion. Then with the skills you have learnt, you will prepare and cook some fish dishes and present them for tasting.

The course will cover skills and techniques, including:

  • washing, trimming, filletting, and skinning fish.
  • poaching, frying and baking,
  • making stocks and veloute sauces
  • portioning, coating, pan-frying and roasting.

The focus will be on local and seasonal availability, and we'll aim to use different types of fish, including flat, round, oily, crustaceans and molluscs.

So come on, get your SKATES on (pun intended!). Your tutor, John Day, is waiting for you to take up your PLAICE.

How will I be assessed?

There will be practiacal observations, support and guidance from you tutor, as well as taste testing.

What qualification will I achieve?

There is no formal qualification with this course, but you will have lots of new cookery skills.

What can I do after completing this course?

Once you have completed this course, you could join one of our other part-time courses, such as bread making or Italian cooking.