The Student Union at ESCG is affiliated to the National Union of Students (NUS). The NUS is made up of further and higher education students within the UK. It is the job of the NUS to “fight barriers to education, empower students to shape both a quality learning experience and the world around them”.
At our college we rely on the ‘Student voice’ programme, supported by the Student Union, to ensure that the learning and enrichment needs of our students are met. It is our objective to work with and listen to our students, when it comes to all aspects of student life.
At ESCG, we are reviewing our Student Union and Student Enrichment provision to reflect ‘the world, post-pandemic’. This means that the Student Enrichment Team will be, initially, heading up the union and recruiting student ‘Ambassadors’ to focus on the issues affecting everyone within our college community and over our three campuses.
The Student Union at ESCG is undergoing a transformation! – we are adopting a new look to things. We will be recruiting students, on each campus, to become ‘ambassadors’ to support the Student Experience and Enrichment team on some of the key themes affecting life in education at ESCG. We have identified the key areas of consideration for learners, such as equality and diversity, LGBTQIA+, campus enrichment, events and activities and ensuring a memorable degree level experience for our Higher Ed. Students.
We are planning to recruit interested students to work with the Student Experience Coordinator and Student Enrichment team to improve, generate and develop the role, responsibilities and future of the Student Union at ESCG.
We are looking for our ambassadors! Being part of the Student’s Union will give you the opportunity to take part in projects and teach you skills that will add to your prospective employment credentials. For that reason, it will look great on your CV and future job applications.
The Ambassador roles are as follows; we are recruiting for two individuals for each area:
To work collaboratively with the ambassadors to develop the ESCG learning journey and campus life. We aim to conduct monthly ‘team’ meetings to review and discuss the progress and development of the Student Union, whilst focusing on initiatives around our key themes of equality and diversity, LGBTQIA+, enrichment, events and the HE student experience.
Equality and Diversity ambassadors will focus on the voices of our BAME students and look into making sure the college is accessible for anyone with visible or non-visible disabilities, or any additional learning need, to ensure their voice is heard.
We aim to ensure that the SU work consistently to promote life skills training, such as providing money advice and management and the Safe Drive, Stay Alive programme.
The future:
The Student Voice is our commitment to seeking your views and opinions on your experience as student at East Sussex College. The Student Voice allows us to continually challenge and improve the learning experience for all our students. To identify the needs of students we organise regular Student Committee meetings with College management to discuss certain issues affecting the community and ways in which they can be resolved. Below are some of the topics discussed at The Student Committee meetings:
All the information received at the Student Committee is then displayed into a poster called ‘You Said, We Did’. This is circulated around the whole College to both staff and students. This poster provides everyone with information about what the committee have discussed and gives us an idea of the planned improvements. Joining the Committee gives you the opportunity to speak up, have your say, and be heard!