4 October 2022

Emmy Award for Eastbourne Alumnus

Jordan Hogan wins Emmy award

Following his Emmy nomination in August, Jordan Hogan, East Sussex College Creative Media Alumnus, won an Emmy award for his story on KSTUFox13.

Back in April, Jordan submitted his story ‘Your Phone Is Always Listening’ to his region for the 45th Annual Rocky Mountain Emmy Awards. The story is about how your phone is always listening to you and what it’s doing with the information it gathers.

Jordan’s story proved an overwhelming success at the Emmys as he won an award for his insightful article. The US-based journalist attended an awards ceremony in Phoenix, Arizona to collect his Emmy.

Speaking to the College after being announced as an Emmy award winner, Jordan said, “Words alone cannot describe how incredible it felt to be announced as the winner. This is my first and only submission and to go from that to winning is just amazing. I feel so proud of all the work I have put in up until this point and I'm just so grateful for those who taught me what they know to get me to where I am today.

“The awards ceremony was held in Phoenix, Arizona, but a bunch of local Salt Lake City area journalists who were nominated decided to hold our own little awards party downtown.”

Speaking on the advice he’d give to young people looking at getting into the industry, Jordan said, “The first thing you should do is ALWAYS listen to your lecturers. They know what they're talking about and the industry experience you can glean from them will be one of the most valuable things.

“The second is to be dedicated and work as hard as you can. Nothing just falls into your lap, you need to work for it. And finally, dream big and have fun. If you're not enjoying yourself then it makes it hard to put that passion and excitement into your work.”

Following his nomination in August, Jordan spoke to the College about his journey through education and how his time with ESC helped shape his career.

“My time at the College has been an integral part of my learning experience. It's where my passion for journalism and visual storytelling really took off. My lecturers really taught me the basic industry skills I would need to get to where I am now. They prepared me so well for my university course that I had no doubts about what I wanted to do for my career,” said Jordan.

“I would definitely recommend that other people study at East Sussex College, especially after secondary school. It helps lay down the foundation for a future career after going through secondary school. Beyond that, I recommend going to university so you can further refine your skills and be the best you can be in your chosen industry.”

Jordan made the big decision to leave the UK to live in the USA prior to graduating from university and he revealed that this decision was key for both his personal and work life.

“I decided to move to the US a few months before graduating university. I was engaged at the time and decided that it was the best move for both my relationship, because my partner lived there at the time, and for my career because there are a lot more opportunities over here with at least four TV stations in every state,” said Jordan.

If you’d like to follow in Jordan’s footsteps and find out more information about studying Creative Media at East Sussex College, then please click here.