
We know that it can sometimes be difficult to reconnect with education and training. We put together our Inclusive Pathways programme to support and build the confidence of young people who want to make a commitment to progress onto mainstream college courses. We will work with you to develop a plan just for you and help you to improve your maths and English.


Hastings (Ore)


Entry Level

Course Type

16 +


Options Course Code Starts Ends
apply 30024 09/09/24 04/07/25

What will I study?

This course gives you the opportunity to show your commitment and enthusiasm towards improving your maths, English and life skills.

You will receive pastoral care, individual targets and our tutors will support and teach you in ways that suit you. You can participate in work experience and enrichment activities, with the main focus on developing social, personal and ethical work skills.

There will also be opportunities to access other curriculum areas within the college to further develop these skills and help with your progression.

We also invite key speakers form various department and agencies to speak with you about a range of topics.

You will be taught various subjects, including creative sessions to broaden your knowledge and support successful progression onto further qualifications.

What previous qualifications or experience do I need?

No Formal Entry Criteria.

How will I be assessed?

Assessment will be through exams.

For GCSEs, you will sit these on the nationally agreed exam dates.

For functional skills, you are entered for exams at set points in the year when the teaching team feel that it is appropriate and you have a good chance of passing.

What qualification will I achieve?

This will be variable according to what qualification level you have been placed on to but the following qualifications will be delivered within the department:

GCSE English language GCSE Mathematics, Functional skills English at Entry level 1,2,3 or Level 1. Functional skills maths at Entry level 1,2,3 or Level 1.

What can I do after completing this course?

You can potentially progress onto a variety of college courses using the qualifications and knowledge you have gained from attending our provision.

Depending on the level of qualifications you have achieved whilst with us, you could progress onto a level 1 or level 2 course in the vocational area of your choice.

Are there any extra costs?

There are no extra costs.

Additional Info

We also have a mentor team who work alongside our teaching team to ensure that you receive high levels of pastoral support throughout your time on our provision.