board documents

Key Governance Documents

Welcome to the governance pages of East Sussex College Group. The Board is committed to a policy of open governance and we hope that you are able to find the information you are looking for in these pages. However, please feel free to contact our Director of Governance, Belle Howard, who will be happy to help with any additional information or queries you may have.

The Board operates a board structure with committees* as follows:

  • Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee
  • Capital Development Board
  • Curriculum, Skills & Quality Committee
  • Governance, Performance & Reputation Committee
  • Resources, Culture & Impact Committee

* See terms of reference below

The Instrument & Articles of Government - This sets out the framework within which we operate. The Education Act 2011 provided more freedom and flexibility to colleges, including the freedom for Corporations to adjust their Instrument and Articles outside a core set of requirements.

The Corporation’s Standing Orders - These supplement the provisions of the Education Act 2011 and the Instrument and Articles of Government of the College. These are the rules by which the Board operates.

Annual Declarations - Governors annually sign a Declaration of Interests, Declaration of Eligibility and a Code of Conduct return. Details are available by contacting the Director of Governance.

Scheme of delegation - This is a statement on the distinction between governance and management.

The 7 Nolan Principles on Standards in Public Life - These outline the ethical standards those working in the public sector are expected to adhere to.

Belle Howard
Director of Governance


Board Minutes & Corporation Confidentiality

In the interests of openness and accountability, public copies of Board and committee minutes are available below. The Board aims to keep confidential items to a minimum, but may on occasion exclude some minutes of a meeting. This may include minutes related to a named person, a named student or candidate or any matter which by reason of its nature the Board is satisfied should be dealt with on a confidential basis. This is to ensure compliance with data protection and with due regard for the Freedom of Information act. Clarification about the status of a particular paper can be sought from the Director of Governance.

Definitions the East Sussex College Group Board (ESCG) uses in determining the publication of ESCG Board and Committee Minutes - Publication Definitions

Committee Membership
Timetable of Meetings 2023/24

ESCG Board

Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee

Minutes are available on request from the Director of Governance

Curriculum, Skills & Quality Committee
(formerly the Curriculum & Standards Committee)

Governance, Performance & Reputation
(formerly the Search, Performance & Remuneration Committee)

Resources, Culture & Impact Committee
(combining former committees – People & Culture Committee and Finance Committee)

2023 2024



Historic Minutes – formerly People & Culture Committee & HR Committees
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023


















Board Documents

Terms of Reference:

Key Documents and Policies:

Senior Post Holders

The ESCG Board is responsible for the appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal, performance and determination of the pay and conditions of all senior post holders at the College.


The Board has responsibility for setting a culture of the College; in which people are not afraid to call out unethical and inappropriate behaviour. Governors have a specific responsibility under the Articles of Government to make rules specifying the procedures under which employees may seek redress of any grievances relating to their employment, to have a formal complaints procedures in place to handle issues raised by students and stakeholders, and to fulfil the legal requirement to have a whistleblowing procedure in place. The Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee receives a whistleblowing report at every meeting.

Board Self-Assessment

The AoC 'Code of Good Governance for English Colleges' proposes that every FE College Board reviews its effectiveness and the effectiveness of its committees. The Board undertakes self-assessment activity every year.

Code of Good Governance for English Colleges

The Board has adopted the AoC's Code of Good Governance for English Colleges and the Colleges Senior Post Holder Remuneration Code. The Code is intended to help governing boards meet and exceed basic governance requirements. The Board annually tests compliance against the AoC's Code of Good Governance, please contact the Director of Governance,, if you would like to see this.

Community Engagement

Useful Links